A collection of the best essential oils for hair to blend inside hair treatments, shampoos, and hair oils. For healthy, strong, revitalized hair, discover how essential oils can help.

Lavender Essential Oil is one of the oldest and most popular essential oils must-haves in your kit. Australian Lavender is most appreciated for its calming, relaxing and uplifting characteristics. It is commonly used to improve sleep, slow down & keep stress away.
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$ 17.00 AUD
The Peppermint Essential Oil stimulates the mind and body while inspiring a sense of peace, making it perfect to use throughout a workout, class or workday to maintain an energized and uplifted attitude.
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This product is currently sold out.
$ 12.00 AUD
Lemongrass is a cheerful bright, fresh, grassy-lemon citrus essential oil with delicate earthy undertones. It could be of great help as an analgesic, mood booster, natural deodorant, antimicrobial, antiseptic, astringent, sedative and many more.
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This product is currently sold out.
$ 12.00 AUD
The Rosemary is known as one of the most powerful essential oils on the planet. Its analgesic properties work impeccably on stiff muscles, easing pain and inflammation. Place up to 8 drops in the water-filled compartment.
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$ 14.00 AUD

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